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Las Vegas Jam Band Society
Members’ Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2014

Meeting Begins: 7:40PM (with chat of Finkel’s home & the past occupants…)

President’s Report (Greg): “Wow! We rarely get this many at a meeting!”
(Jimmy & Greg have ‘kind-threat discussion’ between keeping quiet & orderly….& Greg is given a ‘Presidential Scepter’, of sorts, for keeping this needed order.)

*The kind people at the Hard Rock Live, found a stack of moe. vinyl-stickers (their VIP/Photo ones), & gave them to the LVJBS as souvenirs. J Stickers distributed and some other ones kept for future raffle-items.

*2015 will be the LVJBS’s 15th Anniversary. We had a 10th anniversary show & thoughts are to have a 15th anniversary show, as well. More TBD.

*We’ll continue supporting and attending the wonderful Brooklyn Bowl and their events.

*Thank you to Dave & Megan for the amazing work with the TECOPA TAKEOVER (our November’s ‘LVJBS Friends & Family Gathering’). (Dave & Megan mention a HUGE ‘Thank you’ to the LVJBS, the musicians, Jimmy, & Dan for their HARD WORK and love that was put into this being a success.) November 2015, is the goal for a larger, 3-day event, at Tecopa. (Greg mentioned the guys from CUBENSIS being interested in headlining the next one!) J

Vice President’s Report (John):
*A THANK YOU goes out to all for allowing me to be Vice President this past year. I declined running for next year’s Office, since, I feel the role of Vice President is one that should ‘rotate’ in & out, so other Members can help add ideas and be a great part in the decision making process for the LVJBS.

*The ‘plan’ is to continue to volunteer, get donations & help with events. Thank you to Finkel & Annette for their Holiday hospitality and offering their home to the LVJBS Family:

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14th will be the LVJBS Holiday Party with the DEAD WINTER CARPENTERS. This will begin at 2pm and last until 10pm. There will be Santa JD for the kids’ photos with Santa, to help support the ‘Lone Woof Rescue’ @ 2pm-3pm, music from PART-TIME CRIMINALS, around 4pm, the DWC to play from 5:30-8:30ish, and due to the neighborhood guidelines, the noise curfew of 10pm.
***Please BYOB & Food….Pot-Luck style for all to share is welcomed. (Glass bottles are NOT allowed in the backyard, please.) The LVJBS will have some snack items, ice, and water for the event. Santa will have toys to give to nice & naughty children, & good Holiday fun will be had RESPECTFULLY, in our friend’s home. (**Any brought guest of a member is IN CHARGE of their Guest and their Guest’s ‘behavior’….Also, there is a POOL, so any children, need to keep away & are their Parent’s responsibility, for safety.) There will also be a RAFFLE to help support the LONE WOOF Foundation. Tickets given in exchange of blankets, bags of dog food/treats/bones, and of course, cash! (The LVJBS will give $100 to JD for his time & gas to drive in from Sandy Valley.)

Treasurer’s Report (Dan): --absent—
Report by Jimmy: PAY YOUR 2015 DUES to your NEW Treasurer-To-Be, Paige! J

Secretary’s Report (Jessica):
The ‘Bi-Laws’ & ‘Articles of Incorporation’ for the Jam Band Society of America, which were asked about at the last meeting, were recently posted to the Yahoo! Group. (A hard-copy was passed around the meeting.) We will have our webmaster, Tim, create an easy-access link on our website, so they can be read at your convenience.

*Thanks to those who help take-part in the monthly ‘Friends & Family Gatherings’ this past year & to the Adopt-a-Highway clean-up supporters.

*Thanks to those who ‘stepped-up’ to Volunteer and take over some duties this past year.

*Thanks to those who helped support the ‘Music in Education’ for our CCSD Schools.

Mayor’s Report (Jenny): COLOR: “Silver & Gold”
Thank you for allowing me to serve as the 2014 Mayor. Glad to have helped & taken care of the “other duties as we see fit”. Thanks to the 2014 Officers: “You Guys Rock!”

Fundraising Committee (Kathy):
The moe. table/raffle monies have been distributed as planned: $253 goes back to the LVJBS, $500 to Thurman White MS, to help with their trip to Carnegie Hall, & the ‘cello’ was fixed at ‘Violin Outlet’ for $130. They also provided an inexpensive bow & case.

(*A letter of thanks to be written for ‘Violin Outlet’ & to Paul Citone, for their kindness.)

Local Music Liaison (Ian): MK Ultra Lite ‘killed it’ for their ‘first’ show.

Production Report (Greg):
*Got an email from Members Tim Martin & Jason Lipin, who recently opened the MADE LV restaurant/bar, near Tivoli Village, on S. Rampart. They wondered if, and welcomed, the LVJBS to host a future event/meeting at their establishment. Greg had replied and never heard back. If you know these Members, please inquire further.

*An email from THE MAIN SQUEEZE, a band from New Orleans, with links to their tunes, was posted to the Yahoo! Group. (Their YouTube cover of ‘Eyes of the World’ was played for the meeting attendees.) Two replies were made, with positive hopes to bring this band to town. They will be near Las Vegas in Late March, Early April. Group supports this and will check to see if those dates could work. (Possibly SandDollar Lounge/bar 702). More info TBA.

*EMINENCE ENSEMBLE will play our FEBRUARY-after-meeting. This will be on a WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th (not Tuesday!). The Hard Rock Café, on Paradise, will host this for us.

*ART OF ILLFUSION, from central Illinois, are interested in Saturday, March 21st, 2015. They are looking for other local, nearby bands to have a day-long event. More info TBD.

*Basia’s friend from Oregon, Max, has a band ‘MAX’S MIDNIGHT KITCHEN’ (bluegrass) and wants to play for the LVJBS. (Jeff O. & Dave B. bands usually need openers for their events and may contact them for a future gig.)

*ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA has contacted us and the Brooklyn Bowl booked them quickly. Check it out.

*TURQUAZ (looking at Jan. 13th) & FRUITION (looking at March 5-7) contacted us and Andrew at the Hard Rock Live.

*CON-BRIO contacted us for a Feb. 19- 22 window. (Group thinks this is too close to the SCI Weekend.)

*Discussion held of whether or not to focus on a ‘FREAKO de MAYO’ event in May 2015. (If so, the weekend of May 1-3, is probably best, due to the ROCK IN RIO Festival coming to town, the following two weekends.) More info TBD.


MAYOR: Eric ‘Frobi’ P.

*This weekend, Jeff Orr & his band, THE SIGNALS, will play this weekend with the SARA PATTERSON & SCOTT TILLOTSON (& more), at JALOSCO’S CANTINA, Saturday, Dec. 13th @ 8pm.. Jeff has kindly offered to donate the bar-funds to the LVJBS as a ‘thank you’ of our support. J

*ROOM FOR RENT? Our friend, Neela Shah & her small Bindo-White-Terrier dog, is looking to either ‘rent’ a room from someone OR share a home/condo, with someone. She has cash now to provide and is looking to move-in, beginning February. Please contact her at: (702) 413-3916 & share the word to any friends/family who might be able to help.

*Mike F. mentioned the ‘reunion’ show for the band, MOBY GRAPE, on January 23, 24.

*, provides online Amazon-shoppers, with a percentage of purchase, going back to a local non-profit organization. Ray Hanson, created the Jam Band Society of America link, with this site, to help give back to the LVJBS. (.1% of purchases can be returned to us by clicking on ‘Jamband Society of America’ upon checkout.)

January’s Friends & Family Event Coordinator: Ian Zeiter (more info TBA)

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 6th @ 4-Play Tavern on E. Sunset Road, near Pecos.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:05PM

©2015 Las Vegas Jam Band Society - For The Music