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Las Vegas Jam Band Society
Members’ Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2014

Meeting Begins: 7:40 PM
President’s Report (Greg): “Alright, Let’s get this thing started!”

*We have the list of 2015 Officer Nominations to go over, asking the nominees, if they accept it or not. No other Nominations were sent to Jessica, nor Greg, so the ones from the last meeting, are what we will base our December Elections on. Those not at the meeting tonight, will be contacted to see if He/She accept their nomination for 2015 Officer.

*The 2015 Direction will be kept basically the same. We will pretty much let the Brooklyn Bowl continue their booking, and we, the LVJBS, will only book the ‘smaller’ more of a ‘slam dunk’ kind of shows.
--We did notice and discuss the upcoming ‘Brooklyn Bowl’ shows are ‘really’ not jamband bands, so we may go ahead and bring in some smaller shows, if they are brought our way.

*Discussion held on whether or not the Brooklyn Bowl is ‘comp’ing any of their upcoming shows our way. We don’t want to be ‘greedy’ by asking for tickets, so if there are shows that the jambanders are interested in (i.e. Sphongle, Beats Antique, The Roots, etc.), we ask that you support the Brooklyn Bowl and purchase your tickets. They support us, so we should support them! J

*’Railroad Earth’ is on their agenda for March & the ‘March 4th Marching Band’, as well.

TECOPA TAKEOVER will be our next event, November 14-16. This will be a weekend-mini-festival, at Tacopa Hotsprings. Check it out on Facebook: for more details. Tickets are $30 in advance/$40 at the event.
*There will be Hot Springs for the resort’s guests, Natural Mud Baths, Yoga, Horseshoe Tournament, Hoop Dance Class, Drum Circles, & more.
*Bands: The Funk Jam, MK Ultra Lite, Donzo’s Cosmos, Sara Patterson, Part Time Criminals, Flux, DJ Mongo, Signals, The Dirty Devils, Dr. Vibus, Pitchfork, & the Tecopa All-Stars

Vice President’s Report (John):
Great Phish/moe./Greensky Bluegrass weekend! J
It was suggested that the ‘responsibilities of each Officer/Committee Member be posted for the Nominees and potential voters to be aware of, prior to the held Office.
*(Jessica to check the BiLaws, gather those tasks/responsibilities and later add them to the minutes (along with a separate email) so all can see.)

Treasurer’s Report (Dan): We have liquid-assets! Get ready to pay your 2015 dues. The ONE-member price is $100 (if paid by the March 3rd Members’ Meeting), or $10/month ($120/year) if after. Live-in couples—sharing bills/address—will get the ‘couples deal’ of $150/year.
*(We discussed the ½ year membership for June-December: $60 for June 1st-Dec. 31st for ONE person & $75 for the Couples’ six-month membership.)

The goal is to have an ‘ONLINE PORTAL’ of sorts to help become paperless. This will be a good way to pay dues, online, see the ‘System Database’ of Members-info, the posted ‘meeting minutes’, etc. More info TBA.

Secretary’s Report (Jessica): Thanks SO much to our Volunteer/Fundraising-Committee heads for organizing and taking care of the Hard Rock Live’s moe. table, this past weekend. It was nice to see the teamwork and our Members taking charge and helping out. J

Welcome back to Fabulous Las Vegas Jam Band Society, our once Vice President and once Mayor, Skip-Dog! J Glad to have you in town this past weekend. J

Mayor’s Report (Jenny): COLOR: ‘Peachy-Paige’
Have been thinking of the ‘system database’ of Members’ info--These thoughts, along with Dan’s thoughts, of merging the payments of dues with the information-card into one system. Thoughts are to have an ‘E-card’ of sorts for Members to complete name, address, phone number, birthdate, & ‘check-here’ boxes for individual interests: volunteering, moving of equipment, etc.

PR Committee (Jenny):
We will need to order more of the business-cards which have the website on them. Discussion of logo and the empty backside of the card, possibly having a better eye-catching (psychedelic) design, with the website enlarged and a ‘check out our Facebook page on ways to see ‘free’ music’, etc.
*Finkel mentioned an online design-site called, ‘FIVER’ which, for $5, will create some ideas on designs for businesses/groups.
*Group supports this idea and the idea of a ‘static sticker’ for those with paid membership dues, getting one for their vehicles. This would also be beneficial to give out with ‘purchase of $20 in raffle tickets’ and the like.

Membership Committee (Skip): Thanks to the LVJBS for our contribution* to Skip’s travel to Fabulous Las Vegas & these moe. shows.
(*A check was sent in lieu of flowers when Skip was in the Hospital, so the venture out west could be done with ease.)

The letter that is given to new members will soon be re-written with more current band names and the added, new venues (i.e. Brooklyn Bowl, etc.). Skip still takes charge with the ‘membership’ letters when new members join—no matter where in the U.S. He currently is.

*John has been trying to get seven 2014 Membership cards out to their rightful owners. There has been NO luck. Jessica took five of those seven to give to: The Reiss’, Pam H., Indigo B., and Shana B. when they are seen next. ;)

Fundraising Committee (Kathy):
The moe. raffle (signed guitar & signed framed-photo courtesy of Paul C.) was a success!

There were 124 guitar raffle tickets sold and 223 tickets for the picture—along with one $5 poster. The money raised was a total of $860. (The committee originally discussed giving back to the ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ organization, so we will NOT be ‘boobs’ and do the ‘breast’ thing by giving back a portion of our profit to this important cause.)

We will give 10% to the Breast Cancer Awareness, 20% back to the LVJBS to help with music education, fix the cello that we have on hand to eventually give to a ‘needy’ middle school, and the rest of the money will go to White MS in Henderson, to help their invited students get to ‘Carnegie Hall’.


Production Report (Greg):

*Tanner from Eminence Ensemble is interested in coming to ‘Vinyl’ or the Hard Rock Café for a future show in early February. Greg to contact the Hard Rock and see if it could work for them. If so, we may move the February meeting to WED., FEB. 4th and make it a ‘free’ LVJBS, after meeting, show. More info TBA.

*Zappa Plays Zappa wants to come on Sunday, April 26th. Greg to contact the Hard Rock Live and see if they want to split the show? More info TBD.

*Lovin’ Spoonful is having a ’50 year reunion ‘Summer in the City’ tour). They sent a press-release to all promoters in town to see if any collaboration is wanted. Greg to reply, finding out what it would entail. More info TBD.

*Williams Brothers Band, from Grand Junction, CO, will be in Las Vegas for the ‘Rock & Roll Marathon’ and want to play an event for us. Group wants to find out the dates and more info. (This is the band that open for Living Colour.)

*Dead Winter Carpenters want to play a December date. We may make this the LVJBS Holiday party band. More details TBD.


2015 Officer Nominations (accepted Nominees are below—the others declined):
TREASURER: Dan R. & Paige S.
MAYOR: Eric ‘Frobi’ P.
**The ‘election’ for the 2015 Treasurer will be voted upon at the December’s Monthly Meeting and/or online vote by current members.

*Jonathan W. thanks the LVJBS for the many FREE tickets to the recent shows at the Brooklyn Bowl, etc. J

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, DECEMBER 2nd @ Jonathan Finkel’s home* to help with the planning of the Dec. LVJBS Holiday Gathering—possible party dates: Saturdays, Dec. 6th, 13th, or 20th.
(Address to be posted prior to the meeting on the Yahoo! Group) *Charleston/Valley View area.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:05 PM

©2015 Las Vegas Jam Band Society - For The Music